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着 zhe

Home Pinyin zhe

抱着 bàozhe cling; clung

背着 bèizhe carrying

趁着 chènzhe kneeling

乘着 chéngzhe bobbing

冲着 chōngzhe impending

吊着 diàozhe dangle

赶着 gǎnzhe catch

挂着 guàzhe bedecked

喝着 hēzhe sipping

活着 huózhe alive

接着 jiēzhe proceeded

紧接着 jǐn jiēzhe immediately after

看着 kānzhe looked

看着看着 kànzhe kànzhe watching and watching

拉着 lāzhe tugged

来着 láizhe come

冒着 màozhe braved

粘着 niánzhe glueing

披着 pīzhe draped

敲着 qiāozhe rapped

身着 shēnzhe dressed; garbed

睡着 shuìzhe asleep

顺着 shùnzhe corralled

淌着 tǎngzhe guttering

听着听着 tīngzhe tīngzhe listen and listen

拖着 tuōzhe lugging

舞着 wǔzhe waltzed

显着 xiǎnzhe conspicuous; markedly; notable; noticeably; remarkably

笑着 xiàozhe chuckling

笑着笑着 xiàozhe xiàozhe laughing and laughing

眼看着 yǎnkànzhe seeing

洋溢着 yángyìzhe exuberant

意味着 yìwèizhe mean

有着 yǒuzhe have

怎么着 zěnmezhe what is it?

着雨 zhe yǔ rain

专着 zhuānzhe monograph

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce